It wasn't long ago that I reviewed Trader Joe's Patio Potato Chips. If anything, I learned that I did actually like the ketchup flavor that was found in that bag. Now they've transformed the powdered flavoring and put it on a slightly different shaped spud. Enter Trader Joe's Ketchup Flavored Spud Crunchies.

Taste and review
My husband and I both loved the Spud Crunchies when they were first released in 2017. However, given the recent release of the Patio Potato Chips, this flavor pairing makes a whole lot more sense.
So, if you haven't had a Spud Crunchie, allow me to explain: it's like a french fry that has the texture of a potato chip. Now, I don't know about you, but when I have french fries, there is always ketchup right next to it.
Now, I want you to imagine what ketchup would taste like in powdered form without any hydration. So it's vinegary and tangy and mildly tomatoey.
But this bag is unbelievably 4 servings. And in typical fashion, if you are trying to have some form of self-control, you'll need a clip to keep this bag closed.
Unfortunately, in my household, this bag lasted less than 24 with 2 people.
So much for portion control.
But alas, it is a good-tasting snack and a good flavor pairing overall. There is nothing weird about this combination at all, but it seems like these two flavors belong together.
For $1.99 it's an inexpensive snack that you probably don't need in your life, but it might just end up in your cart in the same way that it did end up in mine. But on a positive note, this is also labeled gluten-free.
Would I buy this again? While I don't need another snack in my life if my husband wanted a bag of Trader Joe's Ketchup Flavored Spud Crunchies I'm sure it would end up in my cart again. And I'm pretty sure he'd have to share.
Did you try it? Let me know what you think in the comments section!
Product photos
The bag of Trader Joe's Ketchup Flavored Spud Crunchies:



Out of the package you get:

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Trader Joe's Ketchup Flavored Spud Crunchies

Product Name: Trader Joe's Ketchup Flavored Spud Crunchies
Product Description: Trader Joe's Ketchup Flavored Spud Crunchies are the same as the original spud crunchies, but this time with the addition of a powdered ketchup flavoring
Price: $1.99
Trader Joe's Ketchup Flavored Spud Crunchies is yet another addition to the snack aisle.
- Flavorful pairing
- Ketchup flavor is extra tangy
- This is a pretty normal, but well done flavor pairing
- If you can't wrap your mind around what dehydrated ketchup tastes like, this might not be for you.
- Bag can't be resealed
EllenLV says
Thanks Brenda, too many fat grams for me. Thanks for the review.
becomebetty says
Hey Ellen! That's the exact reason I post this. So people can make the best decisions for what they need. Thanks as always for stopping by!
Alek says
They should do a BBQ spud crunchies next. Or sweet potato spud crunchies with cinnamon coating
becomebetty says
Hey Alek! I totally second the cinnamon one for the fall. That would be awesome. Thanks again for stopping by!
Dagmar says
Might have to give these a go. Although the total fat grams maybe 10 grams per serving the saturated fat is not bad at all. They do have two grams of fiber per serving and 0 grams of added sugar. And the sodium is reasonable . That's far better than most snack options
Dagmar says
Well I bought these tonight and couldn't wait to try them until I got home. Mind you I live three quarters of a mile away from Trader Joe's LOL. Ate one and was like....hhhmmmmm....these are Ok. Ate two more and was are yummy! Love the deep sweet/semi-savory slightly acidic tomato flavor. I was shocked at the serving size.....come on TJs....4 servings? This is more like 2 servings!
becomebetty says
Hey Dag! Glad you liked them too. And yes, I was shocked too. Worse yet there isn't a built in portion control built into this in the way of resealing it. And I totally agree with the 2 servings is way more realistic. Thanks again for checking in and sharing your thoughts!