Ah, cookie butter. So few products have the lasting power of cookie butter. Especially at Trader Joe's where products come and go. Fortunately, in my household, my husband prefers his food as savory as I like my sweets.
So when we don't have a food group in common, we are better for it. This falls into the category of sweet items. While cookie butter might look like peanut butter, don't confuse the two as it is a pleasantly sweet creation. My preferred way of consuming it is straight from the jar. This culinary creation, on the other hand, adds butter cookies to the equation.
It should work. There is nothing about this that says it shouldn't work.
Except, it doesn't work as well as it should.
When examined on its individual level there is nothing wrong with either component here. The butter cookies taste like delicious shortbread cookies. The cookie butter is the same as found in the smooth jar of cookie butter (not to be confused with the crunchy variety) there just isn't enough of it.
This is another case of pictures on the box not quite living up to what you get when you open the box. Perhaps the food photographer for the pictures opened these cookies a bit to photograph them. But what came out of my box were cookies stuffed with a thin ribbon of cookie butter.
There just isn't enough cookie butter here. And let's be honest, if I really wanted to down butter cookies, I would just buy butter cookies. But all is not lost here.
The parts here work. Trader Joe's should just release a "double stuff" cookie sandwich. That's the missing element here. If you consider most people are probably eating cookie butter with a spoon, then it is time to look at Oreo for inspiration.
I don't think I've ever bought a box of Oreos without it saying double stuff because I really had no interest in the cookie. I just was after the filling.
For $3.99 these are worth a try, but true cookie butter fans might still find that element missing. Maybe one day the company will revisit these and make some minor adjustments to ensure a far better product.
This is available at Trader Joe's or through third-party sellers on Amazon.
Here is the visual rundown of what you get if you buy this product:
The box of Trader Joe's Cookie Butter Sandwich Cookies:
The nutritional information:
The ingredients:
How to Trader Joe's describes this product:
Out of the package you get:
Would I buy this again? Trader Joe's Cookie Butter Sandwich Cookies only gets a maybe from me. They're decent enough, but don't rise to the level of greatness that they should.
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The Bottom Line
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Trader Joe's Cookie Butter Sandwich Cookies
Product Name: Trader Joe's Cookie Butter Sandwich Cookies
Product Description: Trader Joe's Cookie Butter Sandwich Cookies are butter cookies between some good old fashioned cookie butter
Price: $3.99
Trader Joe's Cookie Butter Sandwich Cookies are a long-standing favorite in the snack food aisle.
Taste -
Value -
Worthy of Repurchasing
- Trader Joe's Cookie Butter Sandwich Cookies have cookie butter in them.
- These should be redone and sold as "double stuff."
- I have a strong sweet tooth. Fortunately, my husband is all about the salty and savory. In other words: more for me. Especially when it comes to dessert neither of us like sharing. Seriously, we don't do sharing well in our house. If I bring home Trader Joe's Mini Peanut Butter Cups, it becomes less of a loving marriage and more of a Darwinian type experiment of survival of the fittest.
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